Sunday, January 9, 2011

They're Keeping Me on My Toes

I'm so glad things have taken on a bit of a slower pace since getting back from Christmas vacation.  This doesn't mean that my kids aren't keeping me on my toes.
Princess and I have been watching Seventh Heaven on DVD.  I now own all of the seasons and we have a bit of catching up to do.  It's one of the few shows I will let Princess watch with me, since it doesn't have bad language and I can control which episodes she watches so that she isn't watching the ones with more adult themes to them.  The other day Princess said, "I want to marry a preacher because they know everything and they help people."  Then after thinking about it, she said, "Mom, can girls be preachers?  I might like to be a preacher when I grow up."  Looks like my daughter might take after me, with a heart for ministry.  Fun fact:  I almost went to seminary but then Hubby and I got serious and got married.  I haven't given that dream up, just put it on the back burner.  My heart is still in ministry and some day God will make it possible for me to go to seminary and serve Him in new and different ways.

The other night at dinner Hubby asked everyone to share one good thing that happened to them that day.  Prince says, "I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that I have a new friend from the playground at school.  The bad news is that Isabelle gave me up today."
Hubby: She gave you up?
Prince:  Yes, she gave me up for another boyfriend but I am still in love with her.
Me: So you mean she broke up with you?
Prince: Yep.  She broke up with me.  Now she loves my new best friend but I am still in love with her.
Hubby then gives me the look that says: SERIOUSLY?!
Princess: I don't want Prince to have a girlfriend anyway.  I should be the only girl in his life.  Prince needs to just love me and no other girl.
I think we are going to be in big trouble when these two start dating for real.  On the other hand, it might be a good thing that they are both looking out for the other one.

Friday afternoon my kids decided they wanted to rollerskate.  They got skates for Christmas last year and haven't used them much because they mostly fall and it is so frustrating to them.  So I sat out there and watched them fall  skate, or at least attempt to skate.  Princess was getting pretty good at it just before we had to pack it in.  Maybe we'll try again soon before she forgets what she was doing.  Anyway, while the two of them were falling and struggling to even stand up in their skates, I took this picture:
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"
—Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

1 comment:

  1. Oh good gracious....can I say, that makes me dizzy.

    Princess Hope and one of her buddies were pretending to be "on a date" so several of the other little friends could pretend to be chef and waiter and what-not. I wanted to pass out. We were hosting OM team practice, and it was play time. More practice, less play, I say!
