Monday, August 16, 2010

Send the Rain

The sky is getting darker and it is about to rain.  As I drove home from work my prayer was "Lord, bring the rain.  Refresh my soul and rain down upon me until I can't separate what is me and what is You."  I need that intimacy, that closeness.  I have been so wrapped up in me lately, that I haven't spent the time with Him that I should.  I'm so sad that the twins started kindergarten.  I'm so busy starting a new year at the preschool.  I've gotta get the house clean and the laundry done.  I, I, I.  However, the last few days I have felt Jesus tugging at me saying, "Come to me.  Come sit with me.  Share your heartaches and challenges with Me."  In worship yesterday, Pastor preached about this and it spoke directly to me, as I have had this on my heart the last several days.  I've missed that special time with Jesus...the quiet the two of us share before the rest of the house wakes up.  God has been calling me to Be Still but I've been a busy little bee, packing lunches, folding clothes, etc.  It's all so tempting to try to see how much I can get done before work and school start.  But I've missed my friend Jesus, sitting in his presence and sharing my heart in the stillness.  This is what charges my batteries and offers my soul the refreshment I need. 
Jesus never gives up on me and I am so thankful for that!  He will continue to speak until I'm ready to listen.  Rachel, from Seeking Peace spoke to my heart this afternoon with her blog.  Go visit her there and be blessed!

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