Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

Advent, waiting for baby Jesus. This expectancy of something so great and yet we have to wait for it. This has taken on new meaning for me in the last 6 years. When we found out I was expecting twins, we were shocked, we didn’t know what we were going to do with 2 babies. We were also very excited by all of the possibilities. We couldn’t wait to meet these two little people. Because I was considered a high-risk pregnancy, we went weekly for doctor appointments and ultrasounds. I couldn’t wait for Tuesday to come so I could see our babies and how they were growing each week. Throughout my pregnancy, we read to them, sang to them, talked to them, called them by name. We couldn’t contain our excitement as we waited for their arrival.

We made all of the preparations and had their nursery ready. We were blessed with baby showers where friends and family helped us get all of the things we would need to welcome our babies when they came home. All of the planning in the world could not have prepared us for the surprise meeting of these babies 7 weeks early when nothing went according to plan - at least not our plan. But our babies came in their own way, in God’s time and with His purpose in mind. It is because of our “less than ideal” experience that we drew closer to God and can appreciate even more the miracles that He has entrusted in our care.

Our Miracles Then

Our Miracles Now
How many times do we plan our holidays out to each little detail, yet things don’t go according to plan? Regardless of our plans, baby Jesus will come and it will be in His time and His way. Maybe this advent season we should look for Jesus to come in unexpected ways. The waiting and planning is exciting, but it is so much better than we had ever hoped it could be when we are open to His plan.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! His plans are always so much better than we can imagine.
