Psalm 139:13-16 "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them."
God has a plan for all of us. His plan for us began before creation. What an amazing thought! This week is always a difficult one for me, met with mixed emotions. My precious twins will turn 6 tomorrow. Six years ago we weren't sure what God's plan for these miracle babies were. I will share their birth story tomorrow, but let me give you a little bit of background today.
Hubby and I were not "trying" to have a baby. You see, we are big planners and we like to have all of the details and bugs worked out of things before we commit to doing anything. Yes, we are control freaks, and for every Plan A, there is also a B,C,D...just in case. So we decided we would pray about having a baby and "be open to the possibility" of having a baby. This essentially meant that I would go off of the pill and it would all happen in God's time. We thought God's time might be within a year or so. God laughed. In my mind I see it not as one of those little chuckles, like when your kids do something cute, but I think it was one of those big ol' belly laughs. I can imagine that He probably said something like, "I'll show them what happens when they try to plan it all out on their own and then leave it up to Me." Two months later we were at my parents' house for Christmas and I went to visit my dear prayer partner, Jody. She asked if I was pregnant and I told her I was certain that I wasn't. I couldn't be yet! She was certain I was and told me to call her when I found out. The next morning was Hubby's birthday and I took not one, but two pregnancy tests that turned positive immediately. About 3 weeks later at our first ultrasound, we were shocked to find out there were two babies on the way! I went so far as to tell Hubby not to believe a word our jokester doctor was saying. The doctor finally got my attention and showed me both of those little heartbeats. We spent my entire pregnancy saying, "what are we going to do with 2 babies?!" One of the most exciting things throughout was that I got weekly sonograms and I couldn't wait to see my little jellybeans every week as they would grow and change. Hubby and I couldn't wait for our Tuesday appointments to see the babies.
Things were going along quite well for us and at 33 weeks we thought I would still have several more weeks before our babies made their appearance.
Been there my friend!!! ;) Oh, the things twins can teach us. They are a whole different ball of wax. I actually had a bit of a panic when the doctor told me 2 babies were on the way. I had enough time with 1 baby. Now, I'd have 3 kids ages 2 and under. YIKES. But, I would never change HIS plans. They truly were the best. Thanks for reminding me of that. Even NICU time brought out important things for me. I wouldn't wish premature babies on anyone...but we did learn so much from that time.