Friday, July 30, 2010

Twins, Friends, and Tea Parties

Yesterday the kids and I went to visit two very special people. We visited with my dear friends and former pastor from my growing up years. Years after they moved he came back and officiated our wedding, they have always been an important part of my life. Prince and Princess have only met them once and I want my children to know them. We had such a wonderful time, the highlight being a tea party. Princess was thrilled when Mrs. H said that they would be having a tea party.

Mrs. H has a wonderful way of making things special for people. Prince and Princess thought it was amazing that she would let them drink out of "real" teacups. (In other words, not plastic cups) It was great fun as we sat for tea and cookies and I was amazed at how my children turned on the manners, over-exaggerating the "please pass the cookies and tea." It was adorable to hear them as they a fake prim and proper accent. Mrs. H and the kids were reminding Mr. H about his manners, as he pretended not to know how to take tea. While sitting at the table, Sweet Princess said, "Mommy, are they our family?" We all smiled. Yes, I would say they are a part of our family.

The whole visit warmed my heart, my children getting to know these two people that have been such a part of my life. Prince crawled up in their laps to sit and enjoy. I also have to brag a little bit, my children were so well behaved! They did not fight or sass the entire day and they did exactly what was asked of them. We spent the entire day with them, and then it was time to leave for home. Prince and Princess did not want to leave, and I shared their feelings, but it was time. I wanted to be home before Hubby got home from work. I tried a different route home that Mrs. H told me about and I got a little lost, yes, even with the GPS. Then, as we were about half-way home my tire light came on, indicating that there might be a problem. This is why I don't like to travel without Hubby. The drive that was supposed to take an hour and a half took me two and a half hours by the time I missed a turn off and had to stop to look at my tires. All in all, it was a great day! One I hope to repeat soon.


  1. Tea parties rock!

  2. I know that WAS such an important visit for all of you. It was great to see pictures of the Hankins. How I miss them as well! You and I are very lucky to have had some wonderful, spirited-filled, influential people in our "growing up" years. I think about people like the Hankins, Jennifer H, Deb, and countless others at church. Last week for the children's sermon, I referenced Mrs. Hammond playing the piano at sunday school time. Thanks for sharing and continuing the memories! ~Christina

  3. Stina,
    Yes, it was a great visit. I too, have been thinking about all of those wonderful people we have had in our lives. Especially as I think about I want my children to know these people as well. I thought about you as I was driving over there...thought about when we drove and stayed there to look for wedding dresses for you.

  4. Soooo....the secret to my boys exhibiting the table manners they have been taught, reminded of and pleaded with to use is to simply use the good china? I will give it a try.

  5. It's worth a try anyway. I don't know why but it definitely made a difference.
