We went to the in-laws this weekend out in the boonies to what we fondly call "Dalecatraz." My father-in-law, Farmer Dale, has a farm with a 10 foot high fence, topped with barbed wire "to keep the deer out." I think it's to keep us out, but we keep finding out way back out there. I guess they shouldn't have given us a key. Anyway, I was "off the grid" as they say. While we were there, we had the 2nd Annual Family Kid Olympics. Papa and Granny had lots of fun games set up for the kids. It was a great day to be outside, the weather was beautiful and there was a hint of a breeze. When the kids got to hot, Papa took them through the sprinklers.
This is the Princess and her cousin, Sweet Thang in the race to drive the Gator through an obstacle course. I think the battery was getting low and the ground was a little wet from the sprinklers. Poor little Sweet Thang had to get out and push. How wrong is that?
After the Kid Olympics, we went out to the orchard. This is Papa, aka Farmer Dale, driving the kids out to pick some fruit.
Farmer Dale can grow anything he tries, he has such a green thumb.
Princess enjoyed picking and eating the blackberries.
Prince liked picking the apples, but he really loved eating the plums. Look at that face! He's an eater and I know this will only get worse as he gets older. He's already eating me out of house and home. Although, I think he is going through a growth spurt right now. Did I mention he's grown like 3 1/2 inches and gained 16 pounds since last August?!
I enjoy going out to the orchard and picking the fruit and veggies. Hubby thinks I'm crazy to like it so much but I didn't grow up having to farm like he did. There's something relaxing about being out in the quiet, admiring the landscape.
It's amazing, the way God made plants to flower and then produce fruit.
Yesterday morning as I was looking at all of the apples on the trees, I thought about how much care these trees need in order to produce good fruit. They need water, rich soil, time, care...the same things we need to provide in our own lives if we are to bear fruit. Time in the orchard this weekend provided such inspiration and time to reflect. I have been focusing my own studies on the Fruits of the Spirit and contemplating a blogging series around these themes. This was my confirmation. So stay tuned, we're going to look at these fruits in more detail...love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Today we spent the afternoon with my parents and Mema. My dad smoked some awesome barbeque. We swam in the pool and had such a great time. I love seeing my parents and my Mema with Prince and Princess. All of these things are possible because of the men and women who have served their country and sacrificed to keep my family safe and allow us the freedoms we enjoy. My dad is a veteran and I'm thankful to him, my grandfathers, and all of the other dads and grandaddies that have served our country. My prayer is that our country will realize that we do need God's protection and mercy and that doesn't come unless we invite Him to be a part of everything we do. God Bless America.