Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Honor of Serving Christ's Church

Hubby and I are attending Annual Conference for the United Methodist Church as delegates for our district this week.  It is truly an honor to serve and we are looking forward to being a part of the church on a larger level.  I am also a nominee to attend General Conference next year, which is the body that meets every 4 years to vote on policy and doctrine that may change.  Please pray for our Conference this week and pray for elections, as we set out to determine what the future of our church should look like. 

One of the things I feel very passionately about is that our church and our faith remain relevant for today's generation.  We need to hold strong to our core values and stand firm on those truths we know are right, yet we must also be open minded in how we "do church."  We must embrace technology and use it as a tool to reach others, to show them the love of Christ.  This is one of the reasons I blog...to share what Christ is doing in my life and how I am growing, how my family is growing because of His great mercy and love.  We can reach so many more people with blogs, facebook, websites, twitter. 

I appreciate your prayers and can't wait to tell you about the amazing ways God is going to work and move this week.  Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. And we are so proud that you will be there to represent the 'younger generation' while holding onto those traditional core values! God bless you as you follow His lead.
